中文姓名 | 劉恆原 |
護照姓名 | Jovian Gautama | ||||
班級 | UE3A | 學號 | 1099200047 | ||
金融機構/分行 | 台企銀行/博愛分行 | 帳號 | 003-62-40609-9 | ||
聯絡電話 | 0921-144-312 |
學業成績總平均 |
88.70 |
操行成績 |
86.65 |
學年 | 學期 | 社團/組織 | 幹部 | 認證 |
101 | 1 | 文藻印尼學生聯誼會 | 社長/主席/會長 | |
100 | 2 | 文藻印尼學生聯誼會 | 公關組長/部長 | |
100 | 1 | 文藻印尼學生聯誼會 | 公關組長/部長 | |
99 | 2 | 英語辯論社 | 社員 | |
99 | 2 | 文藻印尼學生聯誼會 | 社員 | |
99 | 1 | 文藻印尼學生聯誼會 | 社員 |
學年 | 學期 | 獎懲事由 | 獎懲內容 | 次數 | 認證 |
101 | 1 | 嘉獎 | 100-101年度教學卓越計畫聯合成果展動態展演表現優異 | 1 | |
101 | 1 | 嘉獎 | 擔任101學年度「社彩繽紛河堤樂」社區展演活動表演人員,表現良好。 | 1 | |
100 | 2 | 嘉獎 | 擔任文藻印尼學生聯誼會公關組長,對於社務認真負責,表現突出 | 2 | |
100 | 1 | 嘉獎 | 擔任暑假一樓樓長,表現良好。 | 1 | |
100 | 1 | 嘉獎 | 擔任100學年度「社彩繽紛河堤樂」社區展演服務活動表演人員,表現優異。 | 1 | |
100 | 1 | 嘉獎 | 擔任文藻印尼學生聯誼會公關組長,對於份內工作負責。 | 1 | |
99 | 2 | 嘉獎 | 擔任印尼學生聯誼會社員,積極參與各項表演,表現突出。 | 1 | |
99 | 1 | 嘉獎 | 擔任99學年度社彩繽紛嘉年華社區展演服務活動表演人員,表現良好,為校爭光。 | 1 | |
99 | 1 | 嘉獎 | 拾金不昧 | 1 |
學年 | 學期 | 主辦單位 | 活動名稱 | 競賽項目 | 獲獎名次 | 活動起始日期 | 活動結束日期 |
100 | 2 | 文藻英語演講社 | 英文好好講 | 英語演講比賽 | 第二名 | 101年5月22日 | 101年5月22日 |
100 | 2 | 文藻外語學院英語辯論社團 | 文藻盃英語辯論邀請賽 | 英語辯論 | 最佳辯士 - 入圍決賽辯士,成績優異 - | 101年5月19日 | 101年5月20日 |
學年 | 學期 | 獎學金名稱 | 金額 | 認證 |
99 | 2 | 學業成績優良獎學金 | 略 | |
99 | 1 | 學業成績優良獎學金 | 略 |
服務單位 | 服務內容 | 服務時間 | 時數 | 認證 |
國際合作交流中心 | 國際菁英志工團_IP00I099201 | 2011-07-11~2011-07-30 | 40.0 |
2011 Chinese Summer Camp - "世界在文藻"
實習單位 | 工作內容 | 實習期間 | 認證 |
美國教育基金會 | 口譯工讀生 | 101/10/15 | |
2011 世界精神醫學會暨50周年年會暨學術索討會 | 會議記錄/工作人員 | 100年11月3日 至 100年11月6日 |
活動名稱 | 活動類別 | 參與情況 | 主辦單位 | 活動起始日期 | 活動結束日期 | 活動時數 | 備註 | 認證 |
1021文藻外語大學教學助理 | 課程 | 工作人員 | 英文系 | 2013/09/09 | 2014/01/12 | |||
1012文藻外語學院教學助理 | 課程 | 工作人員 | 英文系 | 2013/02/18 | 2013/06/23 | |||
1011文藻外語學院教學助理 | 課輔 | 工作人員 | 國事系 | 2012/09/10 | 2013/01/13 | |||
1011文藻外語學院教學助理 | 課程 | 工作人員 | 英文系 | 2012/09/10 | 2013/01/13 | |||
教學卓越計劃:102(1)Wenzao E-Car文藻外語學習專車-文藻校慶暨園遊會推展活動 | 其他 | 工作人員 | 文藻外語大學教務處英/外語能力診斷輔導中心 | 102/10/20 | 102/10/20 | 2.5 | 地點:文藻外語大學 | |
2013年「社彩繽紛河堤樂」社區展演活動 | 展演 | 參與 | 學生會社務部 | 2013/10/19 | 2013/10/19 | 4.5 | ||
第十三屆學生會正副會長普選暨學生議會議員選舉 | 選舉 | 參與 | 學生會/學生議會 | 2013/11/18 | 2013/11/19 | |||
英/外語能力診斷輔導中心-102學年度第一學期第一場口語小老師工作坊 | 其他 | 參與 | 教務處英/外語能力診斷輔導中心 | 102/09/12 | 102/09/12 | 2 | ||
承「心」承「毅」-101學年度新舊任社團組織負責人交接暨交流座談會 | 座談會 | 參與 | 學生會社務部 | 2013/6/1 | 2013/6/1 | 8 | ||
天籟之英英語歌唱大賽 | 競賽 | 參與 | 英文系大學部系學會 | 2013/3/26 | 2013/3/26 | 1.5 | ||
191年化雨堂主控室研習 | 研習 | 參與 | 資訊與教學科技中心 | 2013/3/24 | 2013/3/24 | 1.5 | ||
全校學生社團組織-評鑑資料製作講習會 | 訓練 | 參與 | 學生會文書部 | 2012/10/13 | 2012/10/13 | 2小時 | ||
英語辯論工作坊 | 訓練 | 參與 | 文藻英語辯論社團 | 2011-01-24 | 2011-01-31 | |||
青年壯遊台灣-國際青年體驗青年壯遊點 | 其他 | 參與 | 課外活動指導組 | 2010-11-28 | 2010-11-28 | |||
青年築夢 - 單車壯遊台灣推廣活動 | 訓練 | 參與 | 行政院青年輔導委員會辦理 | 2011-09-03 | 2011-09-03 | |||
2011 North East Asian Open - 2011 全東北亞英語辯論賽 | 競賽 | 參與 | 文藻外語學院 | 2011-11-18 | 2011-11-21 | |||
2nd United Asian Debating Championship - 第二屆亞洲英語辯論賽 | 競賽 | 參與 | 澳門特別行政區政府高等教育輔助辦公室 | 2011-05-16 | 2011-05-24 | |||
101年度技專校院英語密集訓練班 | 訓練 | 工作人員 | 教育部南區英語教學資源中心 | 2012-07-02 | 2012-07-27 | 120.00 | 擔任教學助理 | |
專美於「錢」-總務訓練營 | 訓練 | 參與 | 學生會財務部 | 2012/9/22 | 2012/9/22 | 3 | ||
101學年度「社彩繽紛河堤樂」社區展演活動 | 展演 | 工作人員 | 課外活動指導組 | 2012/10/13 | 2012/10/13 | 2 | ||
101學年度新任社團組織幹部訓練研習營 | 訓練 | 參與 | 課外活動指導組 | 2012/6/26 | 2012/6/29 | 14 | 僅參加校內研習 | |
100學年度文藻盃英語辯論邀請賽 | 比賽 | 參與 | 課外活動指導組 | 5/19/2012 | 5/20/2012 | 16 | ||
100學年度第2學期 新舊任社團組織負責人交接暨交流座談會 | 座談會 | 參與 | 學生會社務部 | 2012/6/2 | 2012/6/2 | 8小時 | ||
莫拉克風災災後重建服務隊課後輔導志工 | 服務隊 | 參與 | 服務學習中心 | 2012/3/10 | 2012/3/10 | 8 | ||
「社彩繽紛河堤樂」社團成果展演活動? | 成果展演 | 參與 | 學生會社務部 | 2011/10/15 | 2011/10/15 | 2.5 | ||
『琢玉成器』器材訓練營 | 訓練 | 參與 | 學生會器材部 | 2011/9/17 | 2011/9/17 | 4 | 志工特殊訓練 | |
100學年度新任社團組織幹部訓練研習營 | 參與 | 課外活動指導組 | 2011/6/25 | 2011/6/26 | ||||
99學年度社彩繽紛嘉年華社區展演服務活動 | 工作人員 | 課外活動指導組 | 2010/12/18 | 2010/12/18 | ||||
99學年度英語初戀營 | 參與 | 學生事務處 | 2010/8/22 | 2010/8/27 |
2011 2nd United Asian Debate Championship - 第二屆亞洲英語辯論賽
When I first came to Wenzao and found out that Wenzao has an English Debate club, I was really interested to join. Actually I had this interest in English debate since high school. But too bad that at that time, I didn’t know anything about the English Debate society in Indonesia, and I only found and learn more about English Debate after I arrived in Wenzao.
Time went by, and I finally the Taiwan Wenzao English Debate Society, and I eventually got chosen as one of Wenzao’s representatives to participate in the most prestigious English debate championship in Asia, the United Asian Debate
Championship (UADC) in Macao. At first thought, the idea of me as a foreign student going to yet another country to represent Wenzao is really cool. I can represent my school, learn about debate, meet new people, and do travel at the same time. I was selected by Dr. Toh the adviser of TWEDS along with the other 3 team members. We had some difficulties in the beginning regarding our practice time, which was a trouble because everybody was busy with their classes, other activities, so and so forth.
But eventually, we managed to hold on and we leave for Macao on May 16th. Macao is a quite unique place. Firstly, I thought that Macao won’t be so different than Taiwan since the geographical location is not really far away, apparently I was wrong. Starting from language, although most of the people there can speak Chinese, but still, most of them are not as fluent as Taiwanese or Chinese people, since they use Cantonese in daily life.
The first day, the only program was checking in at the hotel and free time. After checking in, we set off to explore Macao. However, we decided to visit Hongkong. Unfortunately, we couldn’t make it. Why? Apparently for Taiwanese people, they have to possess a certain document other than passport to enter Hongkong. Although I was allowed to enter since I have an Indonesian passport, my other 3 friends are restricted and had to be sent back to Macao. I was quite disappointed at that time, because I had spent certain amount of money for the Ferry ride. So, we went to explore Macao instead, and went to some interesting tourism spot.
The next day, We visited the tournament venue for the first time. University of Macao is not quite big, but it sure has the proper facilities and environment to support students in studying and other extracurricular activities.
Our first activity for today is a general introduction about the tournament, the University of Macao, and Macao itself. We also saw the mock debate round. Mock debate is a debate round that will be used as a scoring standard for all the adjudicators. That was my first time seeing an international class English debate delivered by several best speakers from around Asia, which was really amazed me. I had some difficulties in catching up their speech, it was all because the amazing fluency, coherent thinking, and delivery manners that in my opinion was outstanding, and made me feel inferior. Yet I realize, to achieve that level is not an easy path. I believe that they had trained over and over again in every way possible to achieve it.
We also continued the program with a council meeting. I think that this kind of system is really good and democratic in many aspects. In the meeting, I saw different people from different university and countries sit together, and discussed about some points which need a collaborative ratification. I tremendously admired the system, because in every decision that committee needs to ratify, everybody will be asked for their vote and opinion (representing their university/institution). Also, each of us has the rights to bring a new motion or proposal to be discussed and ratified by the council. It directly teaches us diplomacy from a very early age.
Next day, we started our first debate. I was quite nervous since I was going to start my first International debate ever! And apparently my opponent was my lecturer of my first debate workshop in Wenzao, Hyewon Lee. It was really a coincidence, and somehow it was quite fun, because it took me to the next level of consciousness. I am now equal to her, there is no such thing like a teacher-student limit here, but we are now equal. The result of the round was,well, we lost,devastatingly. But so much for our first debate, and we already aimed to go for the second debate.
We gradually lost over and over again on the course of the tournament, which was quite a huge disappointment for us. The result represents how we were not prepared enough for this international scale tourney.
Yet, UADC Macao 2011 is one of the most invaluable experiences I ever had in my life. I met a lot of people, not just ordinary people, but extra ordinary people with different and incredible way of thinking. I also knew some Indonesian fellows. Event like this is also the time for us to do some culture exchange with a lot of other students from all over Asia.
I also learned more about debate and a lot more about global issues, logical thinking, public speaking manners, so and so forth. It’s amazing how many things we can learn in a really short time when it comes to people from different background gather together. We only spent one week together, yet now I have friends from all across Asia (Even Australia). English Debate literally leads you to the world and opens your eyes to every condition. Some people choose to be ignorant, but as a debater, we are invited to be aware of what happened in places around us, and far from us.
青年壯遊台灣 - 國際青年體驗青年壯遊點
First of all, I would like to thank Wenzao Ursuline College of languages for the traveling and exploring cultural beauty opportunity given to the International Students through the 台江國家公園單車一日遊. Moreover, I would also like to express my gratitude to the staff’s from Wenzao Mountain Climbing Club who had put all their best efforts for the smoothness of the travelling activities.
We were introduced to this activity by Ray (林家慶). At first thought, it’ll be a great opportunity for us foreigners to fill up our summer vacation. And it ‘s absolutely true, we were having a good time. We also encouraged our new Indonesian students who just came to Taiwan for about few weeks before the trip, and still unable to speak Chinese at all. It is a good opportunity for them as a brief introduction to Taiwanese culture, and also their first step of adapting to Taiwanese life, which in my opinion, just amazing.
Even a few days before the trip, we were already really excited about it !
On D-Day, we left early in the morning, before the burning sun of Southern Taiwan started to sting deep through our skin molecules. The weather was quite fair, even though the sun finally showed his menace at noon, and it resulted to a more tanned skin of mine.
During the trip, we encountered some force majeur, such as loose bike parts, broken parts, and some participant accidentally slipped on the road. Luckily, the staff’s was really helpful and friendly during the progress of the whole trip, we didn’t bump into any serious problem that could break down the atmosphere, or worse, canceled it.
One of the best parts of the tour was, we were able to meet new people, whether it’s another Wenzao student, teacher, and even other foreigners. We made friends with some American exchange students. It is always great to meet new friends, especially when we are participating together on a fun event like this J.
Even though we had to skip a program in the itinerary due to time limitation, it didn’t decrease the amount of fun that we had. Even with the fatigue, the joy of riding and exploring the cultural uniqueness of Taiwan is still, absolutely priceless.
We hope that similar activities could be conducted in the future, with more improvements and hopefully, with a larger scale and area. Not only it’ll be a further step for promoting health and the importance of sport, it’ll also be a big leap for the harmony between foreign students and local Taiwanese students. Since the cultural exchange team is recently promoted continuously by the Taiwanese government, this kind of activities could act as a facilitator of the exchange process to happen.
青年築夢-單車壯遊台灣推廣活動 |
On 28 November 2011, Wenzao Indonesian Student Association (Windosa) held a trip to Chia-yi. When I knew about the trip, the first thing that crossed my mind is that this is a chance for me to take a break from the school’s busy daily schedule. It would also be my first experience to go to another city in Taiwan. We departed early in the morning by bus, and arrived at Chia-Yi at about 9.00 AM. First, we were greeted and shown a brief introduction video about Chia-Yi, then, the local guide showed us the traditional house of Taiwan. We were told that in the past, we could recognize how wealthy a family is, just by looking at their house’s roof. If there’s a sculpture of a dragon there, than we could assured that the family is a prosperous one. Our second program, was trying to row the traditional boat of Taiwanese Culture, The Dragon Boat. Besides that, we also could try to row a smaller boat, either it is alone or together with one other person. Personally, I think this program was the most fun part among the others, because it was my first experience on rowing a boat. We had fun there, and also took a lot of pictures. It was really nice to see everybody smiled because of the enjoyable atmosphere here, the natural breeze of Chia-Yi. After the boat rowing, we proceeded to have lunch. And one of the menu was exactly what we were waiting for : the Turkey ! We also served another of Chia-Yi’s trademark, the oyster. It was so addicting ! Honestly speaking, I’m not able to stop my mouth to keep sipping those delicious seafood. Our next program was the “DIY Taiwanese traditional snack 紅龜粿”. It is a snack made from the mix of flour, rice, peanuts, and also a traditional Taiwanese ingredient. The local guide showed us how to make the snack, and it was really an uneasy process for me, because my hands are not really good at cooking. But I enjoyed watching how everyone are eager to made their own creation, and I also helped a little in mixing up the ingredients, even though I didn’t made my own cookies. After a hard work on making the snacks, our next activity was a visit to a peanut factory. We could choose by which ride we would like to go to the factory. Some of us chose to ride the bicycle, while the others ride the bull-cart. It’s been a while since the last time I rode a bicycle! I undoubtedly was having a good time in the bicycle ride while enjoying the natural view of the rice fields. About 20 minutes ride, and we finally arrived at the factory. I was amazed because that was the first time I saw a massive amount of peanuts, all in one place. I also had the chance to take a peek at the life of the factory labors, and considerably admired them, especially their patience. That day, I learnt one important lesson, that we shouldn’t whine too much about our boring activities at school, or about how hard life is. And after this trip, whenever I feel tired and burdened by daily activities, I recalled their determination, and motivate myself to have the same as theirs. Finally, it’s the time we had to say goodbye to this beautiful place, and took the last picture together. This had been a fabulous trip, to open our eyes for Taiwan’s natural beauty, inhaling the fresh air and embracing the sunshine of the countryside. It will be one of the most unforgettable journey in my entire life. See you in the future Chia-Yi ! |
101學年度「社彩繽紛河堤樂」畢業才藝秀 |
擔任印尼學生聯誼會的會長 ,我卻於本次表演的身份為工作人員而不是表演人員. 雖然我本人非常希望能夠跟其他的朋友一起上台表演 ,我還是很開心能夠為我們社員以及新的學弟妹作一個幕後的角色 ,讓他們可以很專心準備及帶來給大家看非常精彩的演出. 於此表演準備的過程 ,我的幫忙只是當成他們及課指組的溝通橋樑 . 例如 : 教室借用 ,繳交表演人員名單 ,宣布關於河堤表演的相關消息等. 從此經驗, 我學習了一個非常重要的態度 : 擔任一個領導人並不總是你在前面領導,而是你在後面推所有跟著你的人. 對我而言, 能夠帶來我們的文話給台灣民眾欣賞是我們社團的榮耀 .我心裡很感謝文藻對於我們的信任,讓我們有機會培養我們對於自己國家的熱情以及我們自己的技能發展. |
學年 | 工讀單位 | 時數 | 認證 |
101 | 學生事務處學生宿務組 | 4.00 | |
100 | 學生事務處學生宿務組 | 40.00 |
工讀單位 | 起始時間 | 結束時間 | 工作內容 |
國際事務系 | 101年9月10日 | 持續任職 | 政治學課後輔導助教 |
文藻外語能力診斷輔導中心 | 99學年度 | 持續任職 | 英語口語輔導小老師 |