
2011-11-30 00:21:03

I'll do my best God do the rest

Dancing is one of my hobby since i were kid. I have learned saman since i've been in senior high school. I still remember the first time I learn the move from my senior. As i remembered, she wasn't a nice person. At that time I have to practice almost everyday, 2 to 3 hours per day due to our competition in 2 weeks. I didn't know Saman before, so I don't know how to do that. but the senior seems don't like me and my firends just because we're new to Saman. I almost broke my leg just because i have to practice Saman everyday. But I did it anyway, cos i love dance. Thanks God, my friends and I win the competition. and all my tears and hatred dissapeared.

This day, my another friends and I had to perform Saman in Zuoying. I have learned the dance several times, and it's time for me to teach my friends how to dance. Differ from my senior, I teach them without being angry and mad. There are two foreigners in our team, one of them is belgian and the other is Taiwanese. I love them, they could learn the dance fast.

But, when we really have to perform the dance, we made several mistakes. Because it is outdoor, so I think some of my friends couldn't hear my voice and finally we made up mistakes.

I was so sad and hurt. I blame myself not being proffesional in teaching, singing, and dancing. I felt sad that I cried. I have dance Saman for many times, and it was absolutely embarassing to dance wrong.

All of my friends come to me and said, it's okay, it was just another performance, we shouldn't have to cry over one performance, but I still felt sad.

But then I remembered, I always love dance, and why should this problem troubled me so much. I think I have to continue my life and continue my hobby. I remembered the reason why I love dancing. It is simply because I like to move and dancing always brings happiness to me. So I think, it's okay to be sad, but i have to move on.

Up till now, I still love dance and always eager to learn some new dance. Our hobbies are the way to show us that we still have passion, and this passion leads us to our own happiness and satisfaction. So until then I promise to continue dance. :)

And I believe that at that time I have done my best, but everything always happens for reasons. Maybe God want to tell me something. And I have lesson to learn. It wasn't bad at all because I could learn something from that.

