
2012-11-24 13:22:06

phrasal verb oral


with partner~~  Winnie Lu   

A: Hello, where are you now?

B: I just finished off the meeting in my company, and you?

A: I just got off the train. Can we meet at my office next to the train station?

B: Sure. See you later.

(In the office)

B: These are some information of insurance. And this is an application. Please fill in your personal details on the registration form.

A: Ok. Can you fill up the glass with water? I am so thirsty.

B: Of course. Here is your water.

A: Thanks. I am done with the application. What should I do next?

B: Ok. Please wait for a moment. Let me key in your information. Umm…There is something wrong. Let me see. Aha, you forgot to fill in your address.

A: Oh, sorry. I did not notice that. And what documents should I prepare?

B: Your identification card and physical situation report.

A: Ok, here they are. Is there any other thing to finish off?

B: No. Thank you.
