10th Wenzao Debate Workshop
Everyone is writing post about their feeling about the workshop, so I think maybe I should write something about it too ha ha. Write about it seriously (?)
At first, I was reluctant to go to the workshop and regreted telling Eric that I'm going.
However, I didn't know that I'll learn sooooooo much during the week- long workshop at that time.
I used to hate debate due to terrible memory of last time's workshop; however, after that seven days, which seems too short for me now and I still can't believe that it's over, I started to like debate again. Now I know that I like it.
Do you people know the feeling when you wake up the next morning, preparing for another day full of exciting debate, but only find out that the workshop is over?
I want to show my gratitude for all the people I met during the workshop. If it hadn't been for you guys... you people, l mean, I wouldn't have had such a wonderful memory this time.
Firstly, I want to thank the conveners, Cindy Chen and Hsieh Eric who kept sending Facebook messages and asking me to join the workshop before winter vacation. I'll slap myself if I didn't attend the workshop this time lol.
Secondly I want to thank the trainers. I can't express how grateful I am with mere words...
I've learned a lot from Rafiq Saladdin, who taught us about the structure stuff, which is unimaginably useful in debate and I applied it to every round of debate after I understood how it works. Also, thank you for encouraging us to keep going, after Vanilla and I got two 4th in one single day and cried like it's the end of the world. Every time we lost the debate, both of us didn't want to see you because we felt that we let you down, as we lost the fight usung the weapon you gave us. I just felt really bad.
I'll never forget that chanting stuff only for baby bees, and I'll never forget to BELIEVE when things are not so good.
The only problem is that now it seems that I can't get rid of the habit of add " lah" at the end of sentences, which is driving my other teachers crazy. And my dad want to strangle me for saying bad words so frequent lol.
I also want to show my gratitude for Mifzal Mohammed, who always kindly gave us not only feedback but also encouragement though we were not students in his class. And big thanks for taking photos with me ha ha.
I also want to thank Daryl Louis Isla for patiently explaining and pointing out the flaws in our arguments. And thank you for willing to spend time giving feedback for us the first day the competition started. We asked a litany of questions and you must have been tired answering all of them :")
Last but not least, gratitude for the best partner forever, 陳逸庭
Thank you for enduring my annoyance (i know I'm quite noisy ha ha) and coming up with good arguments for the motions. Although we sometimes couldn't reach consensus on some issues, I still value your opinions. Thank you for teaming up with me. I'm so happy that we could fight our way into semi- final, which is a goal I thought I can never achieve.
I promise this is the last one or this post will be too long ( it's quite wordy lol)
Thank you baby bees! It's nice to have you people around! Hope I'll see you in the NTU debate workshop this summer!
From this workshop, I obtain courage, confidence, experience, knowledge and unforgettable memory.
I look forward to the next workshop.
At first, I was reluctant to go to the workshop and regreted telling Eric that I'm going.
However, I didn't know that I'll learn sooooooo much during the week- long workshop at that time.
I used to hate debate due to terrible memory of last time's workshop; however, after that seven days, which seems too short for me now and I still can't believe that it's over, I started to like debate again. Now I know that I like it.
Do you people know the feeling when you wake up the next morning, preparing for another day full of exciting debate, but only find out that the workshop is over?
I want to show my gratitude for all the people I met during the workshop. If it hadn't been for you guys... you people, l mean, I wouldn't have had such a wonderful memory this time.
Firstly, I want to thank the conveners, Cindy Chen and Hsieh Eric who kept sending Facebook messages and asking me to join the workshop before winter vacation. I'll slap myself if I didn't attend the workshop this time lol.
Secondly I want to thank the trainers. I can't express how grateful I am with mere words...
I've learned a lot from Rafiq Saladdin, who taught us about the structure stuff, which is unimaginably useful in debate and I applied it to every round of debate after I understood how it works. Also, thank you for encouraging us to keep going, after Vanilla and I got two 4th in one single day and cried like it's the end of the world. Every time we lost the debate, both of us didn't want to see you because we felt that we let you down, as we lost the fight usung the weapon you gave us. I just felt really bad.
I'll never forget that chanting stuff only for baby bees, and I'll never forget to BELIEVE when things are not so good.
The only problem is that now it seems that I can't get rid of the habit of add " lah" at the end of sentences, which is driving my other teachers crazy. And my dad want to strangle me for saying bad words so frequent lol.
I also want to show my gratitude for Mifzal Mohammed, who always kindly gave us not only feedback but also encouragement though we were not students in his class. And big thanks for taking photos with me ha ha.
I also want to thank Daryl Louis Isla for patiently explaining and pointing out the flaws in our arguments. And thank you for willing to spend time giving feedback for us the first day the competition started. We asked a litany of questions and you must have been tired answering all of them :")
Last but not least, gratitude for the best partner forever, 陳逸庭
Thank you for enduring my annoyance (i know I'm quite noisy ha ha) and coming up with good arguments for the motions. Although we sometimes couldn't reach consensus on some issues, I still value your opinions. Thank you for teaming up with me. I'm so happy that we could fight our way into semi- final, which is a goal I thought I can never achieve.
I promise this is the last one or this post will be too long ( it's quite wordy lol)
Thank you baby bees! It's nice to have you people around! Hope I'll see you in the NTU debate workshop this summer!
From this workshop, I obtain courage, confidence, experience, knowledge and unforgettable memory.
I look forward to the next workshop.