2014/08/07 歷年學習風格問卷結果
Major Learning style preference主要的學習風格傾向(38-50)
50 Kinesthetic Major Learning Style Preference 動覺學習者
You learn best by experience,by being involved physically in classroom experiences.You remember information well when you actively participate in activities,
46 Tactile Major Learning Style Preference 觸覺學習者
You learn best when you have the opportunity to do "hands-on" experiences with materials. That is, working on experiments in a laboratory, handing and building models, and touching and working with materials provide you with the most successful learning situation.
Minor Learning style preference次要的學習風格傾向(25-37)
36 Croup Major Learning Style Preference 團體學習者
You learn more easily when you study with at least one other student,and you will be more successful completing work well when you work with others.
34 Visual Major Learning Style Preference 視覺學習者
You Learn well from seeing words in books, on the chalkboard, and in workbooks. You remember and understand information and instructionsbetter if you read them.
32 Auditory Major Learning Style Preference 聽覺學習者
You learn from hearing words spoken and from oral explanations. You may remember information by reading aloud or moving your lips as you read
Negligible Learning style preference比較被忽略的學習風格傾向(0-24)
22 Individual Major Learning Style Preference 個人學習者
You learn best when you work alone. You think better when you study alone, and you remember information you learn by yourself. You understand new material best when you learn it alone, and you make better progress in learning when you work by yourself.
Major Learning style preference主要的學習風格傾向(38-50)
50 Kinesthetic Major Learning Style Preference 動覺學習者
You learn best by experience,by being involved physically in classroom experiences.You remember information well when you actively participate in activities,
46 Tactile Major Learning Style Preference 觸覺學習者
You learn best when you have the opportunity to do "hands-on" experiences with materials. That is, working on experiments in a laboratory, handing and building models, and touching and working with materials provide you with the most successful learning situation.
Minor Learning style preference次要的學習風格傾向(25-37)
36 Croup Major Learning Style Preference 團體學習者
You learn more easily when you study with at least one other student,and you will be more successful completing work well when you work with others.
34 Visual Major Learning Style Preference 視覺學習者
You Learn well from seeing words in books, on the chalkboard, and in workbooks. You remember and understand information and instructionsbetter if you read them.
32 Auditory Major Learning Style Preference 聽覺學習者
You learn from hearing words spoken and from oral explanations. You may remember information by reading aloud or moving your lips as you read
Negligible Learning style preference比較被忽略的學習風格傾向(0-24)
22 Individual Major Learning Style Preference 個人學習者
You learn best when you work alone. You think better when you study alone, and you remember information you learn by yourself. You understand new material best when you learn it alone, and you make better progress in learning when you work by yourself.