
2018-04-16 15:38:24


U.S. strikes against Syria cloud highly-anticipated Trump-Xi summit as Taiwan anxiously watches on (2017/04/07)

Just as a highly-anticipated summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping was kicking off in the US State of Florida, the U.S. launched a cruise missile attack against Syria. This is the first time for the U.S. to be a direct combatant against the Bashar al-Assad regime.
President Tsai Ing-wen was briefed this morning on the crisis in Syria and a spokesman said Taiwan would support international sanctions against any atrocities committed by the Syrian regime. Tsai's security officials will also pay close attention to ongoing talks between Trump and Xi.

U.S. President Donald Trump this morning Taiwan time ordered a cruise missile strike on Syria, causing President Tsai Ing-wen to reshuffle her morning appointments and listen to assessments from her security aides.

Alex Huang
Presidential Office Spokesman
Any nation that uses military force or brutal tactics against its own people, or threatens war as a means of dealing with innocent civilians, is taking inhuman actions and we issue severe condemnation.

The government supports adopting international sanctions in response to atrocities committed by Syria and simultaneously is paying close attention to the Trump-Xi summit.

Alex Huang
Presidential Office Spokesman
The U.S. has repeatedly stressed the importance of the Taiwan Relations Act and the “Six Assurances” on various occasions. This is America’s most important consideration when managing its cross-Strait policy. I think the U.S. is Taiwan’s most important ally in the international community.

The government would not speculate on the outcome of the Trump-Xi summit, but lawmakers were concerned that Taiwan might become a main topic of their talks.

Huang Wei-cher
DPP Legislator
From Taiwan’s perspective, we of course hope that the U.S. and China will simply declare their respective positions on the Taiwan issue. We do not want things to change so that we are traded like a bargaining chip.

Lawmakers hope that Taiwan will not become the main chess piece in a strategic game between Xi and Trump. After all, the two leaders will have to negotiate even tricker issues relating to North Korea and U.S.-China trade woes
