

Confringo - Explodes objects into flames

Don't teach this to teenagers.

Mobilicorpus - Moves bodies

Even if you're not a murderer, this is kind of weird.

Liberacorpus - Lowers target of levicorpus

You technically don't have to lower everyone you raise.

Levicorpus - Levitates target by ankle

Easily abused, but amusing.

Deprimo - Creates great downward pressure

Good for making pasta, I guess.

Sonorus - Amplifies one's voice

Sounds useful, mostly annoying.

Duro - Hardens objects

I need the opposite of this.

Legilimens - Reveals memories and thoughts of target

Some things are secrets for a reason. I'll leave it at that.

Expulso - Explodes objects

Sometimes, you just have to blow sh-- up. 

Avis/Oppugno - Shoots flock of birds from wand

Impressive, but random.

Fidelius Charm - binds a secret to the soul of a Secret-Keeper

It didn't work out so well for Lilly and James...

Imperio - Makes target obey every command 

But only for really, really funny pranks.

Piertotum Locomotor - Animates statues

On one hand, this is awesome. On the other, someone would use this to scare me.

Aparecium - Make invisible ink appear

Your notes will be so much cooler.

Defodio - Carves through stone and steel

Sometimes you need to get the eff out of there.

Descendo - Moves objects downward

You'll never have to get a chair to reach for stuff again.

Specialis Revelio - Reveals hidden magical properties in an object

I want to know what I'm eating and if it's magical.

Meteolojinx Recanto - Ends effects of weather spells

Otherwise, someone could make it sleet in your bedroom forever.

Cave Inimicum/Protego Totalum - Strengthens an area's defenses

Helpful, but why are people trying to break into your campsite?

Impedimenta - Freezes someone advancing toward you

"Stop running at me! But also, why are you running at me?"

Obscuro - Blindfolds target

Finally, we don't have to rely on "No peeking."

Reducto - Explodes object

The "raddest" of all spells.

Anapneo - Clears someone's airway

This could save a life, but hopefully you won't need it.

Locomotor Mortis - Leg-lock curse

Good for footraces and Southwest Airlines flights.

Geminio - Creates temporary, worthless duplicate of any object

You could finally live your dream of lying on a bed of marshmallows, and you'd only need one to start.

Aguamenti - Shoot water from wand

No need to replace that fire extinguisher you never bought. 

Avada Kedavra - The Killing Curse

One word: bugs.

Repelo Muggletum - Repels Muggles

Sounds elitist, but seriously, Muggles ruin everything. Take it from me, a Muggle. 

Stupefy - Stuns target

Since this is every other word of the "Deathly Hallows" script, I think it's pretty useful.

Diffindo - Cuts or rips material

[Infomerial voice] "No more fumbling with hard-to-use scissors."

Erecto - Erects tents or other structures

Not what you think, but still useful. (See also: engorgio)

Finite Incantatem - Negates the effects of many spells.

The wizard equivalent of "STAHP!"

Prior Incantato - Reveals last spell cast

This would help clear up a lot of arguments.

Homenum Revelio - Reveal people nearby

No matter wondering if that creak you heard was a murderous intruder or, you know, just a creak.

Incendio - Creates fire

But be careful.

Quietus - Quiets magically amplified voice

I might use this "mistakenly" on normal people talking loudly just to send a message.

Nox - Turns off lumos

Since Harry, Ron and Hermione use lumos for everything, this is handy.

Colloportus - Locks doors

"I forgot my keys again. Oh, wait, no. I didn't. I'm a wizard. Keys are irrelevant."

Alohomora - Opens locks

"I forgot my keys again. Oh, wait, no. I didn't. I'm a wizard. Keys are irrelevant."

Evanesco - Vanishing spell

"What are you looking at?" "Uh — evanesco — nothing."

Ferula - Conjures bandages

This would really cut down on the number of smelly casts.

Expecto Patronum - Patronus Charm

Not only does this spell conjure joy, happiness and hope, but you can also use that conjuring to send messages. It's like the opposite of SnapChat.

Confundo - Causes confusions and makes others easily susceptible to influence

A more innocent imperio.

Relashio - Forces t